Its quite a long time I did not update my lovely blog. This post is to announce of delivery my 2nd daughter recently on 17 May 2007 at Pantai Medical Centre, Bangsar. What a nice date on "17" shared with her sister and me. My wife admited a day before an operation for the preparation and hospital arrangement. Yes it was girl again but as a Father, I am really happy for this one.
Alhamdulillah, around 9:19 a.m my 2nd daughter was safely delivered and her weight just about 3.07 kg.
Name : NIK NUR IMAN QAISARAGender : Female
D.O.B : 17 May 2007 @ 9:19 a.m
Place : Pantai Medical Centre, Bangsar
"In Operation Room - Datuk Dr. Nor Ashikin
"Iman just after delivery"
"Iman in the ward"
"Iman with her Nenek (My Mom)"