On 17th September 2005 was a very sweet moment in my life. My wife had safely delivered our sweet and cute baby girl named "Nik Nur Damia Batrisyia". She was 3.3 kg and my wife was giving birth by caesarian operation in Damansara Damai Medical Centre. I was in operation room to witness the caesarian process. Memang la rasa takut mula2 tu, tapi kuatkan semangat jugak nak tengok. Even I record all the process using my digital camera. Bukan ambik gambar je, video pun ambik jugak. I think not all husband can have a chance to witness that. Lucky it was going smoothly and she was delivered safely in front of me. For all husband, don't be afraid to be with your wife during normal or caesarian delivery... it will help them a lot.For sure after about almost 1 month, I feel that my life is not like before anymore. Everynight I need to wake up about 2-3 times just to "entertain" my baby and also bancuh susu. Bulan puasa ni lagi la mencabar... until I feel that not enough sleep to go to work.... but what to do, even you are too tired, kena je layan......tapi bila tengok baby tu akan rasa tenang dan ceria je...